16 November, 2015

Justice carried out by a court must be seen, - Ivars Bickovics, the Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, pointed out at Latvian Judges’ Conference, stressing that communication must be element of daily work of courts.

Development and improvement of communication was one fundamental issues at judges’ conference held on Friday, 13 November. Speeches and reports, and practical part including recommendations of experts in communication and sharing of previous experience carried out by judges, were dedicated to this issue.  

Raimonds Vejonis, the President of the State, when addressing judges at the conference, also drew attention to the fact that judiciary and each judge play an important role, so that Latvian people could feel safe in their country, and he urged the judiciary to explain events occurring in a court system more actively. “The work of a court is done only when the case is decided fairly and legally precise ruling is explained to public,” said Raimonds Vejonis. 

Ivars Bickovics, the Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, when presenting a report on work of the Council, stressed another two issues significant for the court system, which were initiated and supported by the Council for the Judiciary, namely, extension of functions and role of the Council for the Judiciary in issues related to judicial career, and balancing of salaries of judges and employees in united system of wages of public administration.

As the issue to be resolved by the Council for the Judiciary in nearest future, Ivars Bickovics mentioned those, which have already been discussed and which will be discussed after opinion surveys, assessment, and, possibly, proposing of new solutions. The most topical issues will be further development of concept of court houses, possible abolishment of immunity of judges and prosecutors in cases on administrative violations, and reform of disciplinary liability of a court system, which envisages joint appellate instance in disciplinary cases of all officials related to a court system.  

Dzintars Rasnacs, the Minister of Justice, presented a report on other topical issues of a court system, but Edvins Balsevics, the Director of the Court Administration, informed about training project for judges and employees of courts, which is financed by the European Social Fund.

Judges’ Conference is an institution of judicial self-government, which has been convened by the Council for the Judiciary not less than once a year. 348 from among 576 Latvian judges participated in the conference of 13 November.   


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211