19 May, 2015

Observing the fact that transparency of work of the court system strengthens its reliability within society, the Council for the Judiciary, which is established for the purpose of participation in elaboration of policy and strategy of the court system, and improvement of organisation of work of the court system, considers mutual communication of institutions related to the court system and communication with society based on united principles to be strategically important instrument to discharge its tasks.

To determine goals, tasks, and principles of communication of the court system, and to establish unified system of ensuring of communication, the Council for the Judiciary approved single Guidelines of the court system for all institutions represented in the Council for the Judiciary. Goals of communication of the court system are to promote understanding of institutions of the court system on the fact that fairness must be observed in their activity, and this fairness must be seen to the society; to strengthen reputation and authority of the court system, and to promote understanding of the society about the court system, principles of its activity, distribution of authorities of institutions of the court system and individual’s right and opportunity to protect his or her lawful interests.  

The second provision approved by the Council for the Judiciary – Strategy for communication of courts – will be, in turn, work document for all Latvian courts, when communicating with participants to proceedings, media and society, in general. The strategy also marks organisational structure of communication, which prescribes that communication is ensured by the chairperson of the court, court information officer, and  court spokespersons, who communicate on court cases or legal issues.   

Having approved these strategic documents, the Council for the Judiciary determined direction and principles of development of communication, but each institution and each court will implement them in accordance with their opportunities and goals.   

Work group, which prepared these documents, will continue its work to prepare practical auxiliary edition – Handbook of court communication.  

The work group, which was established upon initiative of the Council for the Judiciary, includes representatives of the Judicial Ethics Committee, the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court, and communication expert was also involved for conceptual direction of its work.    


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211