29 April, 2014

The Board of Justice conceptually supported document “Fundamental guidelines on strengthening of human resources capacity and development of competencies of employees of judiciary and law enforcement institutions 2014-2020”, prepared by the Ministry of Justice, which envisages to attract means of European Social Fund in implementation thereof.

Directions of action regarding development of human resources capacity in judiciary, envisaged in fundamental guidelines, are improvement of training models and programmes, more effective use of human resources, which includes development of skills of candidates to the position of a judge and new judges, increase of quality of organisational and administrative management of courts, establishment of network of judges and advisers in the EU law and promotion of uniform case-law and development of judicature. Another direction of action of fundamental guidelines is envisaged as promotion of use of alternative methods of resolution of disputes. 

The issue was reviewed in the sitting of the Board of Justice on April, 28