19 May, 2016

Tomorrow, on 20 May, Latvian judges will elect nine members to the Judicial Ethics’ Committee in extramural conference in electronic elections.

Two judges must be elected from among candidates nominated by the judges of the Supreme Court, three – from among candidates nominated by judges of regional courts, two – from among candidates nominated by judges of district (city) courts, and two – from among candidates nominated by judges of Land Registry offices.

Fourteen candidates judges will vote for were previously nominated in electronic way. Listening to and interviewing of them was organised in presence, at the Judges’ Conference on 13 May. Candidates provided their vision of further work of the Judicial Ethics’ Committee.

The Judicial Ethics’ Committee is an institution of judicial self-government, which provides opinions on interpretation and violations of norms of ethics, and explains norms of judicial ethics.

This May, the term of office of nine from among ten members of the Judicial Ethics’ Committee expires. Moreover, six of them may not be re-elected, because the law “On Judicial Power” stipulates that term of office of a member of the Judicial Ethics’ Committee is four years, and the member of the committee may not be elected for more than two consecutive terms.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211