19 June, 2017

General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ), which this year took place from 7 to 9 July in Paris, adopted the declaration “On resilient justice”.

The emphasis is put on the need for judicial systems to be resilient against external pressure both from other branches of state power and the mass media.

As every year, during the General Assembly the annual report on work performance of ENCJ was summarized and presented: a general overview of the activities of the Network in 2016.-2017, as well as final report of the project “Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary”. General Assembly also addressed organizational issues - the election of the Board (Board members are appointed for two-year term), and an action plan for the next four years was adopted.

At the end of the year 2016 within the project “Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary” all European judges were asked to participate in a survey to find out the judicial opinion on independence aspects of the judiciary and of judges in their respective countries. 11 712 judges from 26 European countries participated in the survey. Nuria Diaz Abad, President of the ENCJ, has sent a letter of gratitude to European judges for participating in the survey.

Council for the Judiciary of Latvia in General Assembly in Paris was represented by Ivars Bickovics, Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, and Solvita Harbacevica, Head of the Secretariat of the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Secretariat of the Council for the Judiciary

Telephone 67020352, e-mail t.padome@at.gov.lv