21 July, 2014

In accordance with Plan of organization and course of elections of institutions of judicial self-government for year 2014, members of the Board of Justice from among judges shall be elected at the conference, which shall be held in presence on 5 September, but members of other institutions of judicial self-government – in extramural (e-conference) on September, 12.

Due to expiration of term of office of members of Judicial Disciplinary Committee elected at Judges’ Conference in September 2010, judges have to re-elect the Judicial Disciplinary Committee.  

The composition of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee includes four judges of the Supreme Court, two Chairs of regional courts, two Chairs of district (city) courts and two Heads of Land Registry offices. Judges’ Conference elects members of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee for four years, in secret ballot.  

In extramural conference of 12 September, judges have also to re-elect one member of the Judicial Ethics Commission and one member of the Judicial Qualifications Committee.  

The member of the Judicial Ethic Commission is to be re-elected, because quadrennial term of office for work in the committee of Anita Kovalevska, the judge of the Administrative regional court, expires. As she was elected from among candidates nominated by judges of district (city) courts in 2010, then now candidates shall be nominated by judges of district (city) courts as well, ad judges of all instances shall vote. The candidate can be from a court of any instance.

The member of the Judicial Qualifications Committee in his turn shall be re-elected from among civil judges of the Supreme Court, because Gunars Aigars, the Chair of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court, shall reach maximum age or discharge of duties of a judge. As Gunars Aigars has also been the Chair of the Judicial Qualifications Committee, the Committee will have to elect the new Chair from among its members.   

The Board of Justice determined Aija Ornina, the Chair of Riga city Kurzeme district court, to be the Head of the judicial conference of 12 September, and Ilze Ievina – the judge of the Land Registry office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court – to be the secretary of the conference.  

Judges will be able to nominate candidates to institutions of judicial self-government until 9 September, elections and summarization of election results shall take place on 12 September.

The Board of Justice adopted decisions in written proceedings on July, 15.