16 January, 2019

It is important to develop an even better dialogue between the legislator and the Council for the Judiciary in order for the discussions to result in good and high-quality laws. This was emphasized by Inese Libina-Egnere, the Head of the Judicial Policy Subcommittee of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima, on January 15 at the meeting of the Subcommittee.

The Subcommittee deputies, together with representatives of the Council for the Judiciary and the Ministry of Justice, outlined the main principles and priorities for cooperation in the area of ​​justice in 2019.

As one of the most important tasks of this year, representatives of both the Council for the Judiciary and the Ministry of Justice noted the development of the procedure for the selection of chairs of courts related to the amendments made in 2018 to the Law “On Judicial Power”, by which this issue was transferred to the competence of the Council for the Judiciary. Dzintra Balta, the Deputy-chair of the Council for the Judiciary, noted at the meeting that defining the selection principles is particularly important for selecting leaders who can guide the development of courts in the context of national policy.

Another topicality of this year addressed at the meeting was the development of territorial reform of courts and integration of land registry offices. The participants also agreed that increased attention should be paid to strengthening the independence of the courts, raising the quality of the courts and adjusting the remuneration system.

Deputies also highlighted issues related to enhancing the public confidence in the judiciary and several other topical issues that shall be included in the agenda of the Subcommittee.


Source: Saeima Press Service