27 June, 2023

On Tuesday, June 27, via written procedure, the Judicial Council adopted several decisions regarding the organization of court work and the career of judges.

The Judicial Council established that from July 1, 2023, there will be 12 senatorial positions in the Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court, 14 senatorial positions in the Department of Civil Cases, and 9 senatorial positions in the Department of Criminal Cases. Whereas, starting from January 1, 2024, there will be 11 senatorial positions in the Department of Administrative Cases, 15 senatorial positions in the Department of Civil Cases, and 9 senatorial positions in the Department of Criminal Cases.

Moreover, the Judicial Council decided to instruct Ilze Freimane, the judge of the Administrative Regional Court, to replace the Supreme Court senator during the vacancy as from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

The Judicial Council also appointed Elvijs Vēbers, the judge of the regional court, to perform judicial duties in the Riga Regional Court. On February 16, 2023, the Saeima (parliament) approved Elvijs Vēbers as a judge of the regional court with effect from September 4, 2023.

The Judicial Council appointed judge Andris Vilmanis as the deputy president of the Latgale Regional Court and the chair of the Collegium of Criminal Cases. The judge Sanita Strakše was appointed as the deputy president of the Riga City Court. Both judges are appointed for a term of five years. 


Additional information:

The total number of judges of the Senate (Supreme Court) is determined by the Saeima (parliament) based on the proposal of the Judicial Council. Whereas, the number of senators in departments is determined by the Judicial Council based on the proposal of the President of the Supreme Court.

During a vacancy or temporary absence of a judge of the Supreme Court, having received the proposal of the President of the Supreme Court and having received a positive opinion of the relevant department, the Judicial Council may temporarily (no longer than for two years) order a regional court judge to replace the Supreme Court judge.

The regional court judge is approved by the Saeima without limitation of the term of office, following the proposal of the Minister of Justice. Based on the decision of the Saeima on approving a judge as a regional court judge, the Judicial Council determines a specific regional court or its courthouse, where the judge shall perform his/her duties.

The procedure for the nomination and appointment of presidents and deputy presidents of a district (city) court, a regional court and a courthouse approved by the Judicial Council stipulates that, after receiving the opinion of the judicial selection commission on the candidate's suitability for the position, the Judicial Council shall decide on the appointment of the candidate.

Lana Mauliņa

Adviser to the Judicial Council on communication matters
Lana.Maulina [at] at.gov.lv