30 July, 2015

In written procedure announced on 23 July, the Council for the Judiciary decided on issues related to judicial careers – on determination of courts to discharge judicial duties, on transfer of judges, on appointment of Chairs and deputy Chairs of courts, on temporary discharge of judicial duties.

Court for discharge judicial duties is determined

The Council for the Judiciary determined that Vineta Mazure, appointed by the Saeima (Parliament) to the office of a judge of a district (city) court on 18 June, will discharge judicial duties in Riga district court.

The Council supported transfer of Inese Strelca, the judge of Riga city Latgale suburb court to the office of a judge of a regional court, and determined that after approval by the Saeima  in the office of a judge of a regional court, she will discharge duties in Riga regional court.  

Inese Strelca has held the office of a judge of a district (city) court since 1998, and, in accordance with decision of the Council for the Judiciary, she has temporarily discharged duties of a judge of Riga regional court since 2013.

Appointment of Chairs and deputy Chairs of courts is supported

The Council for the Judiciary supported appointment of Edite Knegere, the judge of Vidzeme regional court, to the office of the Chair of Vidzeme regional court for the term of five years. Editei Knegere has held the office of a judge for 26 years, inter alia, she has managed the regional court for 20 years – since the establishment of Vidzeme regional court.  

The Council also supported re-appointment of Inga Zalite, the judge of Aizkraukle district court, to the office of the Chair of Aizkraukle district court for the term of five years. Inga Zalite has worked in the office of a judge since 1993. She has been the Head of the Land Registry Office of Aizkraukle district court, but since 2005 has been the judge of a district court, and, since 2010.gada – the Chair of Aizkraukle district court.

Sandra Vitola, previous Head of the Land Registry Office of Limbazi district court, is re-appointed to the office of the Head of the respective Land Registry Office. She has held this office since 2005, previously holding the office of the deputy Head for nine years.  

The Council for the Judiciary also supported re-appointment of two deputy Chairs of courts to their offices. The judge Linda Vebere is appointed the deputy Chair of Kuzeme regional court, the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Civil Cases, and the judge Didzis Aktumanis – to the office of the deputy Chair of Liepaja court.

Instructed to temporarily discharge judicial duties in another court is given

To ensure compositions consisting of three judges in the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court, the Council for the Judiciary supported proposal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to instruct Marianna Terjuhana, the judge of Zemgale district court, to discharge judicial duties in the Chamber of Civil Cases during the vacancy of a judge.  

Arlita Zarina, the judge of the Administrative district court, in turn, was instructed to discharge duties of a judge of the Administrative regional court during temporary absence of a judge of respective court.

Judges of Jurmala court are transferred to work to Riga district court

Due to reorganisation of Jurmala city court and annexing of offices of judges of Jurmala city court to Riga district court, the Council for the Judiciary decided on transfer of judges of Jurmala city court – Svetlana Belajeva, Tatjana Bormane and Gundega Lapina – to work to Riga district court, and on transfer of Inara Jaunzeme and Dainida Sarma, the judges of Land Registry Office of Jurmala city court, to work to the Land Registry Office of Riga district court, as from 1 August.

All judges agreed to their transfer.

On 18 June 2015, the Saeima adopted amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which establish general basis for reorganisation of district (city) courts, ensuring functions and authority of the Council for the Judiciary during procedure of reorganisation of courts.   On the basis thereof, the Council for the Judiciary approved the plan of reorganisation of Jurmala city court, which envisages annexation of Jurmala city court to Riga district court as from 1 August, and also decided on annexation of judicial offices of Jurmala city court to Riga district court.



Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211