10 May, 2011

The Board of Justice adopted several decisions in issues related to judicial careers.

The Board of Justice supports re-election of Inguna preisa, the judge of Zemgale regional court, in the post of the Chair of Zemgale regional court for five years. The Board of Justice accepted decision of the committee for selection of candidate for the post of the Chair of Zemgale regional court, considering Inguna Preisa, who has managed Zemgale regional court since 2005, to be the most appropriate candidate among three candidates registered. The committee had evaluated concepts of activity of the regional court, submitted by candidates, references given about candidates, results of survey performed among judges and employees of the regional court, results of oral surveys, as well as it had taken into account professional experience of Inguna Preisa, inter alia, her experience in administrative work.    

The Board of Justice also supports appointment of Inese Laura Zemite, the judge of Riga regional court, in the post of the vice-Chair of Riga regional court, who executes duties of the Chair of Judicial Panel of Criminal Cases at the same time. Two candidates applied for this post in the competition, and the committee of evaluation of candidates considered Inese Laura Zemite, the judge of Riga regional court, to be the most appropriate candidate.  

On the basis of the decision about appointment of district judges, adopted by the Saeima on the 7th of April, the Council of Justice determined courts, where newly appointed judges will execute their duties: Ilze Ramane – in Riga city Kurzeme district court, Ligita Viksna and Aiva Daidere – in Liepaja court, but Raimonds Rincs, appointed by the Saeima in the post of a judge of regional court, will execute judicial duties in Zemgale regional court.  

The Board of Justice instructed Livija Slica, the judge of Administrative regional court, to execute duties of a senator of the Department of Administrative Cases of the Senate of the Supreme Court as from the 1st of June, 2011, during the vacancy of the senator.

The Board of Justice adopted decisions in written proceedings.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211