20 April, 2015

In the sitting of 20 April, the Council for the Judiciary supported nomination of Eriks Kalnmeiers to the office of the Prosecutor General.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, when justifying his decision to nominate candidacy of Kalnmeiers to the second term of office, pointed out that work of the prosecutor’s office is directed towards development, and the Prosecutor General sees solution of problems of the prosecutor’s office in relation to further development of the entire system of justice.

Eriks Kalnmeiers, when reporting on five-year performance in the office of the Prosecutor General, also pointed out the main problem, namely, insufficient prestige, which is a problem not of a single structural unit, but of the entire system. He sees the solution of this problem, first, in improvement of quality of investigation at the first stage – the police, and, second, in establishment of system of education for prosecutors.

The Law on the Prosecutor’s Office stipulates that, prior to nomination of the candidate to the office of the Prosecutor General to the vote by the Saeima (Parliament), the Chief Justice coordinates the candidacy with the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211