27 August, 2018

The Council for the Judiciary will send the report of the expert commission on the assessment of insolvency proceedings and legal protection proceedings taken place during the period from 2008 to 2014 to the Prosecutor’s General Office, with particular reference to cases in which experts identified possibly unlawful judgments. The report for further action will also be sent to the Judicial Qualifications Committee and other judicial self-governing bodies as well as to chairs of the courts.

The Council for the Judiciary decided to publish the report of the expert working group and the information prepared by the Court Administration on the procedure for distribution of cases in courts for the period from 2008 to 2014.

The Council for the Judiciary also acknowledged the need to carry out an audit of judges’ training programme in order to improve the professional skills of judges.

The Council for the Judiciary calls on the Court Administration to significantly improve the functionality of the Court Information System, both by improving the system of distribution of cases and the transparency of case-law.

In order to improve the regulatory framework of the insolvency proceedings, the Council for the Judiciary considers it necessary to promote the dialogue with the legislator, therefore, after the election of the new Saeima, they will invite the Legal Affairs Committee to a meeting.

In its decision of February 5, the Council for the Judiciary called on the Supreme Court to involve experts in the field of justice to collect and analyse cases on insolvency and legal protection in which protests were accepted from 2008 to 2014, and, if necessary, also conducting a study of cases, in which no protest has been submitted. Edite Vernusa, Chair of the Department of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court, and judges Rudite Vidusa and Aigars Strupiss of the Department of Civil Cases, Elita Stivrina, Judge of Riga District Court, Edgars Stafeckis, Advisor to the Minister of Justice, and Egita Gintere, Director of the Department of Court System Supervision, and according to the calls made at the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary experts in the field of justice are invited as well – Professor Kalvis Torgans and Dr.iur Martins Paparinskis, expert in insolvency law – Helmuts Jauja. The technical process for the compilation was provided by the Division of Case-law and Research.


The report of the Expert Working Group set up on behalf of the Council for the Judiciary can be found here
Information provided by the Court Administration on distribution of cases in courts see here
The decision was adopted by the Council for the Judiciary on 27 August 2018. Information on other issues discussed at the meeting and the decisions adopted see here


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 2865221