3 December, 2015

Four new judges in the courts of the first instance

The Council for the Judiciary determined courts, where four new judges, who were confirmed to the office of a judge by the Saeima (Parliament) on 22 October, will discharge judicial duties.  

Laura France will work in Jelgava court, Ilja Grigorjevs – in Liepaja court, Diana Liepina – in Riga district court, and Aiga Putnina – in Administrative district court in Riga.

In accordance with Sections 60 and 8911 (2) of the law “On Judicial Power”, the Council for the Judiciary, after approval of a judge in the office, determines particular court, where the judge will discharge judicial duties.

The judge is transferred to another court of the first instance

By decision of the Council for the Judiciary, the judge Ingrida Bite is transferred from Riga city Latgale suburb court to Jumala court house of Riga district court. 

The judge Bite applied in the competition for the vacant office of a judge.  

The Council for the Judiciary adopted the decision in accordance with Section 731 (1) of the law “On Judicial Power”. It envisages that the Council for the Judiciary, upon recommendation of the Minister of Justice, grounding on the positive statement of the Judicial Qualification Committee, decides on transfer of a judge to another court or court house of the same level.

Judges of courts of higher instance are substituted during absence or vacancy of judges

The Council for the Judiciary instructed Mairita Skendere, the judge of Riga regional court, to discharge duties of a judge of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court during vacancy of a judge.

The judge Skendere has discharged duties of a judge of the Chamber of Civil Cases for two years already.

Madara Abele, the judge of Riga district court, is instructed to discharge duties of a judge in Riga regional court during an absence of a judge.

Kristine Vinte-Korme, the judge of Land Registry office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court, is instructed to discharge duties of a judge of Riga city Latgale suburb court during an absence of a judge.

In accordance with the law “On Judicial Power”, during a vacancy or an absence of a judge, the Council for the Judiciary may assign execution of duties of a judge of a district (city) court to a judge of another  district (city) court; during the absence or vacancy of a judge of a regional court – to the judge of a district (city) court, and duties of a judge of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court – to a judge of a regional court, for the term not exceeding two years.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211