17 October, 2017

The Council for the Judiciary acknowledges that the request for judicial budget for 2018 approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in the part of the remuneration does not correspond to the reform of the salaries of judges started in 2017. The Council for the Judiciary considers it unacceptable that the Ministry of Finance, contrary to the priorities submitted by the Ministry of Justice and supported by the Council for the Judiciary, has changed the budget request of both the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court.

The Council for the Judiciary considers it unacceptable that the reform of remuneration of court personnel is not continued, which was intended to gradually increase the remuneration of court employees, thus reaching the maximum level of remuneration for the corresponding category in 2019.

In its turn, what regards the remuneration of judges for which financing is foreseen, the Council for the Judiciary drew attention to the fact that the regulatory framework that determines the remuneration system of judges and prosecutors is not in compliance with the Constitution.

In the remaining part, the budget request of the Supreme Court, regional courts and district (city) courts was supported. Priority measures regarding regional courts and district (city) courts include the introduction of security systems in the courts, the centralization of judicial authorities in Madona and the relocation of Riga City Zemgale District Court. An additional financing of the Supreme Court was approved for the operation of information technology systems and for other measures.

The Council for the Judiciary adopted the decision in the sitting of 16 October 2017 in a written procedure. 


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211