2 December, 2014

To ensure further career of judges of the Chamber of Criminal Cases, who were not transferred to the Department of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, the Council for the Judiciary assessed the most appropriate court that would be of the most equal value to the court, where judges have worked until 31 December 2014, when in accordance with the court reform stipulated by the law “On Judicial Power” the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court ceases to exist.  

Observing the fact that the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court as the appellate instance court conforms with Riga regional court as the appellate instance court and that specialization of cases reviewed in the Chamber of Criminal Cases conforms with specialization of cases reviewed in the Judicial Panel of Criminal Cases of Riga regional court, and that both courts are located in Riga, the Council for the Judiciary admitted that the most appropriate office for transfer of judges of the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court is the office of a judge in Riga regional court.  

In accordance with the law “On Judicial Power” decision on transfer of a judge will be adopted by the Saeima (Parliament).


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211