1 September, 2015

Judicial trainings in the Academy of European Law and in-house training in international institutions – these are few of training directions to be financed from the European Social Fund to judges and prosecutors.  

The Ministry of Justice and the Court Administration, when presenting training priorities approved by the European Commission within the project “Strengthening of human resources capacity of employees of judiciary and law enforcement institutions”to the Council for the Judiciary, pointed out implementation of several studies and elaboration of handbooks within financing of the project.

One of the most extensive directions of the project is training. Training in professional fields, foreign languages, international judicial cooperation, the law of the European Union and human rights issues, carrying out of court expertise and interpretation of results thereof, on mediation, arbitration procedure, and range of other trainings will be carried out among judges, prosecutors, investigation officers, and employees of court institutions.

Within framework of the project, model of competences of judges, court employees, investigation officers and prosecutors will be elaborated, by assessing existing competences and determining needs for training. 

The third direction of the project is improvement of human resources management processes in both planning of personnel selection and career, and assessment of employees.

Subjects of training for employees of judiciary and law enforcement institutions were discussed in the Ministry of Justice jointly with non-governmental organisations and representatives of employers.   

The plan of strengthening of human resources capacity and development of competencies of employees of judiciary and law enforcement institutions for years 2015-2020 will be implemented using co-financing of the European Social Fund. The project planned will be implemented by the Court Administration, in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Supreme Court, and the State Forensic Expertise Bureau. The plan is approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211