10 April, 2015

On Monday, 13 April, summary on case-law in cases on claim collateral, which is prepared by the Division of Case-law of the Supreme Court, will be presented at the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary. Taking into account question updated by the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima (Parliament) on application of case-law in cases on claim collateral, and high interest and often critical attitude of public and media towards procedure and results of examination of such cases in courts, the Council for the Judiciary urged the Supreme Court to summarise case-law and to identify problematic issues regarding application of claim collateral. Compilation of court decisions performed upon order of the Council for the Judiciary is finished, and authors of the summary will present the most important conclusions.  

The Council for the Judiciary will also come back to amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which envisage establishing of procedure how further career of judges of Chambers of the Supreme Court must be developed after liquidation of Chambers.

The Legal Affairs Committee reviewed new proposals elaborated by work group on regulations regarding judges of the Chamber of Criminal Cases and judges of the Chamber of Civil Cases in relation to liquidation of Chambers of the Supreme Court.  The Legal Affairs Committee accepted proposals, however, the Supreme Court points out that amendments planned will harm capacity and quality of the Supreme Court as of cassation instance, thus they do not comply with public interest in qualitative and professional administering of justice. The Supreme Court asks the Council for the Judiciary to draw attention of the Legal Affairs Committee to objections and proposals of the Supreme Court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211