15 December, 2015

On Wednesday, 16 December, Dzintra Balta, the deputy Chair of the Judicial Ethics’ Committee and the deputy Chair of Riga regional court, reports on communication experience of Latvian courts at the international conference held in Vilnius.  

The judge Dzintra Balta participated in the working group established by the Council for the Judiciary, which elaborated regulations on communication of Latvian courts – the Guidelines on communication of Latvian court system and the Strategy for communication of Latvian courts, approved by the Council for the Judiciary in May 2015.  

When presenting a report in Lithuania, the judge characterises prerequisites of elaboration of principal communication documents in Latvia and main “cornerstones” of strategy of communication of courts, such as, for example, side view, court Spokespersons, timeliness and proactivity,  crisis communication, publicity events, etc.  

“It is much done in Latvia in field of communication between the court system and the public, in general, however, I see great challenge for the future – to give life to ideas implemented in communication documents, creating sense of community and mission,” Dzintra Balta points out.

Judges, communication experts and journalists from Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Estonia, the United Kingdom and Poland participate in the international conference “Courts of Lithuania and Foreign Countries: How to Gain and Retain Public Trust?” held in Vilnius.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211