29 April, 2019

The Council for the Judiciary elected judges Dzintra Balta and Guntars Plorins as the representatives of the Council in the Commission to assess the suitability of candidates to position of chairs and deputy chairs of district (city) courts and regional courts and to position of chairs of courthouses. Dzintra Balta will be the head of this Commission.

According to the procedure for nomination and appointment of chairs and deputy-chairs of district (city) courts and of regional courts, as well as of chairs of courthouses approved by the Council for the Judiciary, the Commission shall be composed of two members delegated by the Council for the Judiciary from among the judges, an authorized representative of the Minister of Justice, a representative of the judges of the relevant court. The Court Administration would provide a recruitment specialist.

The Council for the Judiciary agreed that only members of the Council from among the judges should be approved at the Council’s meeting. Delegation of other Commission’s representatives according to the competence specified in the procedure shall be the responsibility of the Minister of Justice and the Court Administration, as well as the representative of the relevant court shall be nominated.

The Commission's opinion shall be of a recommendatory nature, the final decision on the appointment of judges will be taken by the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211