1 July, 2019

Riga Regional Court will continue to be chaired for the next five years by the current chair Daiga Vilsone, as decided by the Council for the Judiciary on July 1. After reviewing the evaluation drawn up by the selection board and having heard all three candidates, the Council for the Judiciary decided on the re-appointment of Daiga Vilsone.

Looking back over the time passed at the top of the management of Riga Regional Court, the Chair emphasized the importance of ensuring transparency of court work and the introduction of systemic procedures in the organization of court work. As well as Ms Vilsone named main objective for the next period, namely, the ensuring of high-quality court work for the benefit of the people. Mobilization of personnel will be an important part in achieving this goal.

Three judges applied for the position of the chair of Rezekne Court, among whom Peteris Novicenoks was appointed to this position by the Council for the Judiciary for the next five years. Peteris Novicenoks was appointed as a judge of the district (city) court in 2012; initially he performed judicial duties at Rezekne Courthouse of the Administrative District Court, in 2015 he was transferred to Rezekne Court.

Sandra Strence, the former deputy-chair of Riga City Latgale District Court, was appointed by the Council for the judiciary to the position of the chair of Riga City Latgale District Court. She was the only candidate for the position. Given that Sandra Strence was a judge at Riga Regional Court, she was transferred by the Council for the Judiciary to perform judicial duties at Riga City Latgale District Court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211