Ivars Bickovics, the Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, and Dace Sulmane, the adviser to the Council, went to Warsaw to participate in the General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for Judiciary held on 1-3 June. The topic of this year is “The Future of Justice in Europe”.

Along with annual and organisational issues – elections of the President, elections of the Executive Board, approval of budgets, and admission of new members (this year, it’s Greece), etc. – future vision of court systems in 2035 and reports of single ENCJ members (Bulgaria, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and England) on particular future goals of judicial systems in 2020 is the particular topic of this year. Among guests of the General Assembly, Koen Lenaerts, the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, will also present a report.

There will be held a discussion on results of projects implemented by the ENCJ, and approval of the activity plan for the next year. Single discussions on problems in justice in Turkey (numerous dismissals of judges) and Poland (dissatisfaction of the Council for the Judiciary with new draft law on operation thereof) have been planned.

ENCJ is a non-profit organisation, unitingthe national institutions in the Member States of the European Union which are independent of the executive and legislature, and which represent judiciaries. The Association was founded in 2004, to promote cooperation, mutual exchange of information and analysis of common information of Councils for the Judiciary of the EU Member States. It has also been an opportunity to provide common information and proposals to the EU institutions.


Information prepared by

The Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211