6 September, 2014

“Establishing and operation of the first Council for the Judiciary has been an important step in strengthening of rule of law and further development of Latvian court system,” Ivars Bickovics, the Chairman of the Council for the Judiciary and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, stressed at Latvian Judges’ Conference, which was dedicated to assessment of the first quadrennial term of activity of the Council for the Judiciary. 

Speaking about the role of the Council for the Judiciary, the Chairman pointed out that it follows from the purpose of establishing and existence of this institution, namely, to ensure balance of all branches of power and independence of the judiciary in legal state. However, opportunities of the Council for the Judiciary to implement its goals and tasks depend on principles of activity of the Council for the Judiciary, status, authority and capacity of the Council. “To ensure fundamental claim that the Council for the Judiciary must be independent, it must be granted constitutional status and assessment must be made, if present composition – eight officials and seven elected judges – is the most optimal choice”, Ivars Bickovics referred to guidelines introduced in documents of international institutions.

In his report, the Chairman outlined possibilities of the Council for the Judiciary to work in fields, where it should involve – judges’ confirmation to the office and promotion, judicial training, participation of the Council for the Judiciary in solving of issues related to financing of judiciary, maintenance and improvement of image of judiciary, and providing of opinions and preparation of suggestions within procedure of improvement of laws and regulations. In respect of involvement of the Council for the Judiciary in elaboration of laws and regulations and planning documents, which affect courts, Ivars Bickovics pointed out that opportunities of submission of proposals are at present affected by limited capacity of the Council for the Judiciary rather than imperfections or deficiencies in legal regulation, however, there exist problems related to timely listening to and respect towards opinion of the Council for the Judiciary, and those could be eliminated by inclusion of such provisions in the law.  

As one of the most important tasks of the Council for the Judiciary, its Chairman pointed out elaboration of mid-term and long-term development strategy, which will make work of the Council for the Judiciary more systemic. As another tasks within further activity, the Chairman pointed out ensuring of proper financing and human resources for the Council for the Judiciary and extending of authority of the Council, especially regarding issues related to judges’ confirmation to the office and promotion. And finally – task on cooperation. The Chairman of the Council for the Judiciary indicated that the Council for the Judiciary should extend cooperation with judges, judges’ associations, institutions of self-government of judges, personnel and institutions belonging to judicial system, and it should strengthen and develop respectful cooperation with other branches of power.

On Friday, 5 September, Latvian Judges’ Conference was held, and the main topic of its agenda was the Council for the Judiciary. The first quadrennial term of activity of institution of a judicial system new to Latvia has expired, and Judges’ Conference analysed and assessed, how the Council for the Judiciary managed to develop its work procedure and to strengthen its place and role in Latvian court system and in system of public powers. The Judges’ Conference also re-elected six judges – elected members of the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211