18 December, 2014

In accordance with the law “On Budget and Financial Management” the Cabinet of Ministers, when reviewing regular draft law on budget, listens to the opinion of the Council for the Judiciary. Thus, the Council for the Judiciary and the Supreme Court submitted budget requests of regional and district (city) courts and the Supreme Court for 2015 for providing of an opinion, and the Council for the Judiciary reviewed them in written procedure.  

The Council for the Judiciary supported budget requests prepared, which include additional positions accepted by the Council for the Judiciary previously as new policy initiatives.

Budget request of regional and district (city) courts provides increase of budget for such positions as implementation of judicial qualification assessment system, implementation of clear court instances, decrease of terms of review of cases, increase of court employees’ salary for 8 per cent, etc.  

Budget request of the Supreme Court in its turn envisages increase for such measures as   establishment of scientific analytical department in the Supreme Court, equipping of rooms of court hearings with audio equipment, improvement of infrastructure, increase of employees’ remuneration for 8%, assessing importance of an office, assessment, experience and authority, and situation at labour market.  


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211