On Tuesday, the 23rd of November 2010, meeting of the Board of Justice took place, in which the Board decided upon replacement of several judges of regional courts and upon determination of concrete regional and district courts, where judges appointed and approved by the Saeima, will execute their duties.

Gvido Ungurs, the judge of Riga city Ziemelu district court, is instructed to execute duties of a judge of Riga regional court for the term of temporary absence of the judge Iveta Meldere, and Dzintra Amerika, the judge of Administrative district court, is instructed to execute duties of a judge for the term of temporary absence of Maris Vigants, the judge of Administrative regional court.    

The Board of Justice instructed judges of regional court – Ilze Celmina, Ilze Osina and Lauma Volberga to execute duties of a judge in Riga regional court, and Valda Zommere – in Administrative regional court.  

In its turn, the Board instructed judges Agnese Juskevica, Laura Konosonoka and Ieva Viskere to execute duties of a judge in Riga court house of Administrative district court.     

The Board of Justice also started discussion about budget requests of the Ministry of Justice and of the Supreme Court for 2011, as well as about changes prescribed in system of judges’ wages.    

In the next session of the Council of Justice on Thursday, the 25th of November, at 15.00 o’clock, it has been planned to continue reviewing budget requests of the Ministry of Justice and of the Supreme Court to submit opinion about those, as it is stated in the law “On Judicial Power”.     

Issue on inclusion of judges’ wages into united remuneration system is not included in the agenda, as the Board of Justice hasn’t received such draft law from the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima yet.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211