10 February, 2012

On Monday, the 13th of February, the Board of Justice will discuss creation of mechanism of termination of judicial vocational powers and will establish courts in which judges appointed by the Saeima (the Parliament) will execute their duties, as well as will discuss other issues.

Subcommission on Judicial Politics of Legal Commission of the Saeima asked the Board of Justice to express opinion about possible amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which would provide creation of mechanism of termination of judicial vocational powers, giving up vote of the Saeima about discharge of a judge from the post in cases when maximum age of execution of duties is reached.

Possible amendments also provide changes in maximum age of execution of duties of the judge and in duties of judges to complete litigation of cases brought in after reaching this age. One of versions of these amendments provides that equal maximum age of execution of duties of 70 years may be established for judges of all court instances. However, present difference may be reserved that maximum age is 65 years for judges of district (city) courts and regional courts and 70 years – for judges of the Supreme Court. Subcommission on Judicial Politics supports giving up prolongation of term of judicial vocational powers when maximum age of execution of duties of judge is reached. At present the Board of Justice may prolong this term up to two years.  

Opinion of the Board of Justice is asked also about procedure of completion of cases brought in by the judge, when he/she reaches maximum age of execution of duties; either judicial vocational powers end when the judge reaches maximum age of execution of duties or the judge continues execute his/her duties until he/she completes cases in which he/she participates and which are already brought in.

The meeting of the Board of Justice will take place on the 13th of February at 2.00 p.m. in room 461 of the Supreme Court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211