23 February, 2011

On Tuesday, the 22nd of February, meeting of the Board of Justice will take place. Issues to be reviewed in Judicial Conference that will take place on the 15th of April and also regulation of Judicial Conference will be discussed during this meeting.

During the sitting it has been planned to establish number of judges in each district (city) court, regional court and department of land books. According to suggestion of the Board of Justice, the Saeima has confirmed total number of judges: 315 judges for district (city) courts, 134 judges in regional courts and 80 judges in departments of land books.

Issues about posts of judges, inter alia, about giving the title of Honorary Judge, are another item of the agenda of the Board of Justice.

According to the law “On Judicial Power”, the Board of Justice confirms procedure of use of judge’s robe and insignia. The Board has planned to discuss this procedure in meeting.

The meeting of the Board of Justice will take place on the 22nd of February at 2 p.m. in the Supreme Court.

Information prepared by

Head of the Division of Communications of the Supreme Court Rasma Zvejniece

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 7020396, 28652211