Informācija presei

28 March, 2013

Aija Mikelsone will manage Limbazi district court also in following five years; Gunta Gulbinska will manage Gulbene district court and Aldis Sienis – Madona district court – the Board of Justice supported these candidates.

All candidates have served as judges for a long time and they are experienced court managers.  Having been re-elected, Aija Mikelsone has been the Chair of Limbazi district court since 1986, Gunta Gulbinska has managed Gulbene district court since 1987, and Aldis Stienis has managed Madona district court since 1993.

Those were only candidates, who applied for competition announced for the post of chairs of these district courts.  

Courts are determined, where new judges will execute their duties  

The Board of Justice stated that the judge Karina Kraveca will execute duties of a judge in Riga city Centre district court, the judge Inese Biteniece – in Riga district court, and Marite Mikelsone – in Riga court house of the Administrative district court.

Judges were appointed in the post of a judge of district (city) court by decisions of the Saeima of the 7th of March.

The judge is transferred to Dobele district court

The Board of Justice decided to transfer the judge Iluta Kovalova in the post of a judge from Riga city Zemgale Suburb court to Dobele district court.  

The judge applied in competition for the vacant post of a judge in Dobele district court, grounding her desire to change the court with opportunity to work closer to her place of residence.

The Board of Justice reviewed all issues of judicial careers in written proceedings on the 25th of March.  


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail:, telephone: 67020396, 28652211