13 December, 2011

The Board of Justice in its session on the 13th of December supported repeated appointment of Ilze Freimane for the post of the Chair of the Administrative district court for the term of five years.

Ilze Freimane has run the Administrative district court since 2006. She organised court work successfully, court houses of the Administrative district court started operating in Jelgava, Liepaja, Rezekne and Valmiera. When deciding about aptitude of I. Freimane for the post of the Chair of the Administrative district court the candidate selection committee evaluated reputation of candidate, her professional experience and authority among court body and other judges.  

As priority in further development of work of the Administrative district court I. Freimane mentioned reduction of number of cases pending and time of litigation in Riga court house, provision of implementation of uniform case-law, promotion of use of new technologies (videoconferences) for effective exchange of experience and information among judges.

The Board of Justice also supported appointment of Ojars Prieditis, the judge, for the post of the deputy of the Chair of the Administrative district court for the term of five years.

Ojars Prieditis has worked as a judge of the Administrative district court since 2006.

Regulations of Judicial Qualification Committee and statute of competition of selection of judges are discussed

The Board of Justice discussed but didn’t approve regulations of Judicial Qualification Committee and statute of competition of selection of judges of district (city) court and regional court. The Ministry of Justice will specify regulations and statute until the next session of the Board of Justice, taking into account proposals given by the Board of Justice.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court  

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211