11 March, 2014

The Board of Justice supported appointment of two Chairs of district courts in the office for five years – Daina Treija will be the Chair of Riga city Zemgale suburb court and Adrija Kasakovska – the Chair of Tukums district court.  

Both candidates were the only applicants in competition to the position of the Chair of respective district court, and competition committee assessed their experience, positive references given by court bodies and visions of development of courts.

Both candidates have Master’s degree of social sciences in law and large experience in judges’ office.  

Daina Treija has worked as a judge since 1996 – she had been the judge of Riga city Kurzeme district court, Riga regional court and the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court. Since June, 2013, she discharged duties of the Chair of Riga city Zemgale suburb court.

Adrija Kasakovska has worked as a judge since 1987. She had been the judge of Tukums district court, in 2011-2013 – executed judicial duties in Riga regional court, and since October 2013 – discharged duties of the Chair of Tukums district court. 

The Board of Justice also supported appointment of four deputy Chairs of courts in the office for five years – appointment of Sanita Kanenberga in the office of the deputy Chair of the Administrative regional court, Gunta Sokolova – in the office of the deputy Chair of Riga city Kurzeme district court, Iveta Salaka – in the office of the deputy Chair of Jelgava court, and Julija Baufale - in the office of the deputy Chair of Daugavpils court.

Candidacy of Ligita Birhane to the office of the Head of Land register office of Dobele district court and appointment of Kristine Brokane in the office of the Chair of Liepaja court house of the Administrative district court for five years was also supported.  

The Board of Justice also instructed Sandra Krumina, the judge of Riga regional court, to continue to execute duties of a judge of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court during vacancy of a judge. She was instructed to execute these duties as from March 15, 2012, already, for the term not exceeding two years.

The issue was reviewed in the sitting of the Board of Justice of March 10, 2014


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211