18 September, 2018

On September 18, in the second round of elections Dzintra Balta, judge of Riga Regional Court, was elected to the Council for the Judiciary.

Consequently, all representatives of the judiciary have been elected to the Council for the Judiciary; they had to be elected due to the expiry of the statutory two-year term of office for previous elected members.

As well as representatives of judges to the Judicial Qualifications Committee and the Judicial Disciplinary Committee were elected by means of electronic elections.

Among the judges of the Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court Rudite Vidusa, and among the judges of the Department of Administrative Cases Aivars Keiss was elected to the Judicial Qualifications Committee.

Peteris Opincans, judge of the Department of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, Inta Lauka, judge of the Department of Civil Cases, Inguna Preisa, chair of Zemgale Regional Court, Edite Knegere, chair of Vidzeme Regional Court, Ilgvars Jaungelze, chair of Kurzeme District Court, Ilze Freimane, chair of Administrative District Court, Elga Guitane, chair of the Land Register Office of Kurzeme District Court, and Zanna Zujeva, chair of the Land Register Office of Riga City Vidzeme District Court, were elected to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee.

Members of judges’ self-governing bodies are elected for a four-year term. A judge may be re-elected to the Council for the Judiciary, but not more than twice in a row. There is no limitation for reappointments to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee and Judicial Qualifications Committee. One judge may at the same time hold a position in only one self-governing body.

382 out of 558 judges participated in the electronic elections.


Information prepared by
Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court
E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 2865221