18 January, 2013

In the session of the Board of Justice, which will take place on Monday, the 21st of January, report of CEPEJ – the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice for 2012 on European judicial systems will be presented. Report contains detailed information in field of rule of law in member states of the European Union.

One more presentation is planned – in research “Providing independence of judges in legal standards effective. Development of theoretical grounds for amendments necessary, taking documents developed by international institutions into account” normative regulation to provide independence of judges in Latvia is analysed.

Agenda of the session of the Ministry of Justice also includes review of requests to express opinion of the Council of Justice upon issues related to court system.

The Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee of the Saeima asked for opinion of the Council of Justice about draft law on amendments to the Law on Prosecutor’s Office providing cancellation of immunity to call prosecutors to account for administrative offences.

In its turn, the Ministry of Justice asked for opinion of the Board of Justice in issue upon remuneration of costs for legal representation in cases of national character and supranational cases.

The Board of Justice will also review several issues related to judicial career.

The session of the Council of Justice will take place on the 21st of January at 13.00 o’clock in room 461 of the Supreme Court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211