29 September, 2015

The Council for the Judiciary outlined topical issues to be included in agenda of the Latvian Judges’ Conference of 13 November. Upon invitation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the State Raimonds Vejonis confirmed his possible participation in the Conference.    

Traditionally, the agenda of the Judges’ Conference will include report of the Chair of the Council for the Judiciary on work of the Council, and the report of the Minister of Justice regarding topical issues within judicial system initiated by the ministry, and reports of institutions of judicial self-government on work thereof.

One of issues, which is envisaged to be updated art Judges’ Conference, is implementation of Guidelines on Communication of a Court System and the Strategy on Communication of Courts, which both are approved by the Council for the Judiciary, in practical activities of courts. The Council for the Judiciary has listened to Antra Bork-Rzecicka, the communication expert invited to conduct this process, who provided information on plan of implementation of guidelines and first measures to be taken within cooperation of communication experts of institutions represented in the Council for the Judiciary.

It is also envisaged to include other issues, which are topical for the court system – on concept of court houses and reform of first instance courts, on abolishment of immunity of judges stipulated in law in cases on administrative violations, and on quality of court rulings - in the agenda of the Conference.

Members of the Council for the Judiciary are asked to specify other issues judges could be interested in, to approve the agenda of the conference at the next sitting of the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211