29 May, 2012

Limitations of operation of judges in professional associations provided in draft law are not supported

Having received request of Public Administration and Local Government Committee of the Saeima to provide opinion about standards included in draft law “Amendments to the law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”” that influence judiciary significantly, the Board of Justice decided not to support Item of the draft law stating necessity for a judge to receive permission to operate and to hold office in associations.

Pursuant to Item 8 of the UN Principle on Independence of Judiciary and Paragraph Two of the Section 86 of the law “On Judicial Power”, a judge may operate and join in professional organisations freely.

Issues on number of judges and judicial careers

The Board of Justice supports proposal of the Ministry of Justice to transfer the post of a judge of department of landbooks of Jelgava court to Jelgava court and to transfer the post of a judge of Vidzeme regional court to Riga regional court.  

After approval in the post of a judge of district (city) court performed by Saeima Ievai Balina is appointed to execute duties of a judge in Riga district court and Sigita Dolniece is appointed to Riga city Vidzeme Suburb court.  

The Board of Justice agrees to transfer Anita Grinberga, the judge of department of landbooks of Limbazi district court to the post of a judge in Limbazi district court and to transfer Laila Gulbe, the judge of department of landbooks of Jelgava court to the post of a judge in Jelgava court.   

Inara Zabarovska, the judge of the department of landbooks of Riga district court, is instructed to execute duties of a judge in Riga city Zemgale Suburb court for the term of temporary absence of a judge.

About evaluation of professional evaluation of judges

Pursuant to Item 40 of Transitional Provisions of the law “On Judicial Power”, the Board of Justice until the 1st of July, 2012, has to determine content and procedure of examination of professional competences of judges, as well as it has to approve samples of documents necessary for examination of professional competences.  

The Board of Justice in session of the 28th of May started work upon approval of regulation of Judicial Qualifications Committee and evaluated concept drafted by the Ministry of Justice “About Evaluation of Professional Operation of Judges”. The Board of Justice will continue working upon these issues in its further sessions.

Issue on insurance of employees’ health is activated

Issue on insurance of health of employees working in courts, prosecutor’s office, Latvian Prison Administration and State Police was activated in session of the Board of Justice. The Board of Justice decided to ask the Ministry of Justice to draft proposals of amendments to Paragraph Two of Section 37 of “Law on Remuneration of State Officials and Employees of Governmental and Municipal Institutions”, providing that employees of these institutions may be insured using funds of state budget.