4 February, 2012


The Board of Justice supports maximum age of 70 years for judges of courts of all levels

To use knowledge and experience obtained by highly qualified judges effectively, the Board of Justice supported 70 years as maximum age for execution of duties for judges of courts of all levels, providing opportunity to continue execute duties of judge until all cases that were started with participation of the judge are reviewed.   

Reviewing possible amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which provide changes in procedure of termination of judicial duties, the Board of Justice concludes that it should be necessary to reject from present difference in maximum age which is 65 years for judges of district (city) courts and regional courts and 70 years – for judges of the Supreme Court.  

The Board of Justice supports rejection from prolongation of term of office of the judge up to two years after maximum age is reached, as it is now. However, it considers that it would be necessary to provide opportunity for the judge to complete cases started.  

The Board of Justice also supports opportunity for the judge who reached maximum age established in the law to leave the post without decision of Saeima.

The Board of Justice reviewed possible amendments to the law “On Judicial Power” in its session on the 13th of February according to request of Subcommission on Judicial Politics of Legal Commission of the Saeima to express opinion of the Board of Justice about changes in procedure of termination of judicial powers.


The Board of Justice asks to improve procedure of approval of judges

To strengthen independence of judges and judiciary from possible political influence, the Board of Justice asks the Ministry of Justice to work out suggestions for improvement of legal regulation upon issues of judicial career.  

At present the Saeima decides not only about first-time appointment of judges but, according to Part Two of the Article 60 and Part Two of the Article 73of the law “On Judicial Power” it also decides on approval of the judge in the post without limitation of term of office or about repeated appointment in the post for up to two years, as well as about transfer to work to a court of higher level.

The Board of Justice believes that such legal regulation doesn’t provide independence of judges and courts and it doesn’t comply with recommendations of Venice Commission that the vote of the Parliament must not be considered as the method of appointment of judges in the post as it is not possible to exclude threat that political reasons prevail over objective, professional indices.

The Board of Justice offers to implement amendments to the law “On Judicial Power” providing that the Saeima will appoint the judge in the post only for the first time, and the Board of Justice decides upon his/her further career.


The Board of Justice supports appointment of deputies of court chairpersons

The Board of Justice supports appointment of the judge Diana Dzerviniece for the post of deputy of the Chair of the court of Latgales district of Riga city, for the term of five years and appointment of Madara Abele for the post of deputy of the Chair of the court of Riga district, for the term of five years.


Courts for newly appointed judges are determined

The Board of Justice determined courts and court houses in which judges appointed in the post by decisions of the Saeima on January 19, January 26 and February 2, will execute their duties.

Uldis Apsitis will execute duties of judge in the court of Ziemelu district of Riga city, Peteris Novicenoks – in Rezekne court house of Administrative district court, Romans Doncenko, Maris Markovs and Agnese Pucite – in Riga court house of Administrative district court and Kristine Brokane – in Liepaja court house of Administrative district court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211