The Board of Justice supports candidature of Sanita Osipova for the post of the judge of the Constitutional Court

The Board of Justice in the session on the 4th of July unanimously supported candidature of Sanita Osipova, professor, Dr.iur to be promoted for approval in the post of the judge of the Constitutional Court.

Members of the Board of Justice approved candidate promoted by the Cabinet, pointing out extended theoretical knowledge of Sanita Osipova, her knowledge of languages, especially German, scientific and research activity and perfect reputation, as well as expressed hope that in case of election Sanita Osipova will be able to combine work of the judge and lecturer in the University of Latvia.

According to amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court that came into force on the 1st of July, Saeima’s Presidium informs the Board of Justice about candidates for the post of the judge of the Constitutional Court, inviting to submit opinion about them. Saeima will decide upon approval of Sanita Osipova.

Appointment of Aija Ava for the post of the Chair of the court of Ziemelu district is approved

The Board of Justice approves appointment of the judge Aija Ava for the post of the Chair of the court of Ziemelu district of Riga city for five years. Commission of selection of candidate for the post of the Chair of the court considered this candidate to be the most suitable among other three candidates, who also applied for this post.

Aija Ava received qualification of lawyer in the University of Latvia, and in 2004 – Master’s degree of social sciences in field of law. She was appointed for the post of the judge in 2008. Since February 2011, the judge was instructed to execute duties of deputy of the Chair of the court of Ziemelu district of Riga city, but since March – duties of the Chair of the court.

Courts have been determined for execution of duties of a judge

Grounding on ruling of the Saeima about approval of Roze Paegle in the post of a judge of a regional court, the Board of Justice instructed the judge to execute her duties in Administrative regional court. However, Inguna Helmane approved for the post of a judge of the department of land books is instructed to execute duties of the judge in the Department of Land books of Riga city.

Inclusion of departments of land-books into composition of district (city) courts has been approved

The Board of Justice approves draft law for amendments to the law “On Judicial Power” submitted by the Saeima. These amendments provide to include departments of land-books into composition of district (city) courts giving review of cases of several categories to competency of judges of departments of land-books.

Changes in court system, reviewing institutional identity of judges of departments of land-books and extending their competency, are developed in order to use judicial resources existing more effectively both in departments of land-books and in courts of the first instance of general jurisdiction, equalising load of courts and accelerating terms of review of cases.

The draft law provides that district (city) department of land-books manages land-books, as well as reviews applications about forced non-actionable execution of liabilities, forced execution of liabilities on a warning basis and applications about validation of an auction deed to be reviewed.

It has been provided that amendments will come into force on the 1st of January, 2012, and judges of departments of land-books, who had been appointed in the post before, will have to take requalification exam in two years.

Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

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